Full Professor of Pharmaceutical Technologies (DIFARMA)
in Eng4Life he covers the role of Head of External Relations Eng4Life
Matteo d’Amore obtained his Laurea in Chemical Engineering at the University of Naples in 1976. Since 1977 he served as Research fellow and since 1981 as Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Naples. From 1985 to 1987 he was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as Invited Visiting Scientist. In 1987 he obtained the Tenure as Associate Professor of Chemical Plants and joined the University of Salerno, becoming Full Professor in 2001. His research interests are in the fields of Pharmaceutical Productions, Design of Industrial Plants, Pharmaceutical Process Industries, Environmental Technologies, Energetics. He is the scientific responsible of research projects funded by the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research, Research National Council, Industrial Companies.
He is the Head of the Advanced Clinical School of Hospital Pharmacy. He has been the Head of the Master School in Cosmetic Science and Technology at the University of Salerno.
Since 1998 is the vice-Rector for International Relations.
He is the responsible of a Italy/USA joint program on research and education since 1991 and he is the organizer of Conferences and workshops on Microwaves, and one of the founders of a School of Higher Education on Application of Microwaves to Industrial Processes.
He is Member of The Combustion Institute, of AMPERE, of GIMAMP, and Component of the International Board of Directors of IPMM.
He is Author of about 100 papers in International Refereed Journals.